We all have that one subject we hate a little more than the others, and studying for it just feels so much harder. Whether it’s for the HSC or any other year, staying motivated is one of the key factors in being successful. For the HSC students out there striving for the best ATAR they can get, the upcoming holidays are a great way to catch up or get ahead in your studies. Here are some key tips to help you stay motivated during times you may feel like quitting.


Don’t forget the reason why you’re studying – know your goal

Sometimes, we start to feel a subject is really boring and not worth it when we forget why we’re even doing it. If something feels pointless, you pretty much will not want to work on it at all. Thus, try to visualize what you will achieve if you do well in this subject. Does it help get you your goal ATAR and into your dream university course? Does it feel rewarding to get over 90% in the next exam? Instead of 60%?


Get a GOOD amount of sleep everyday

Get back to the basics guys! Everyone forgets this. The one key thing to stay motivated and to be able to think clearly is a good amount of sleep everyday (not just one day in a week!). When you constantly feel tired and sleepy you obviously will start to feel a lack of motivation as you don’t feel like doing anything productive. This one thing, of getting enough sleep, could change everything. At least 8 hours a day please guys.


Remember that this won’t go on forever

Keep reminding yourself that this won’t be forever. This is the time to focus and go hard, and trust me, you will be able to get it done. If you’re in the HSC, just keep thinking that this is the time to just push everything you have because it’ll all be over before you know it and you might regret it if you didn’t give it your all. Moreover, even though this particular boring subject might be tedious, it’ll be a short amount of hard work and you’ll reap the gains later on.


Break it down – make a study  calendar

Looking at a subject blank on, it may seem like there is a lot of work. However, if you jot the dates when things are due and what you have to do, usually it’s less than expected and you’ll be fully clear of what you have to do at what time. Just because you may not be able to follow a timetable doesn’t mean a calendar won’t be helpful so give this a try!


Jack Zheng | N° 60