Info. Day, or Information Day, gives you the final opportunity to see and explore the different universities you may be considering before having to finalise your university degree choices on UAC. You can talk to current students, hear your future lecturers, and experience what university life may be. So take your sticky note out and start jotting these dates down!

University of Sydney (USYD)Thursday 05/01/17
University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)Friday 06/01/17
University of New South Wales (UNSW)Saturday 17/12/16
Western Sydney University (UWS)Sunday 18/12/16
University of Wollongong (UOW)Friday 06/01/17
University of Newcastle (UON)Thursday 05/01/17

Some tips:

Make a schedule

Most universities usually have a schedule of what events will be happening throughout the day. Try to make your own schedule of which ones you’d like to attend to, otherwise your day may turn out like a mess, especially if you plan to go to numerous universities on one day.


Make a list of what you what to find out and be Proactive!

There’s not much point going if you don’t know what you want to get out of that day. Make a list of questions you want answered and be ready to approach lecturers and current students and ask them what you want to find out.


Go on campus tours

If you have time and you’re at a university you are seriously considering, it is definitely worth it to join a campus tour first because most universities are huge and you probably would get lost. You’ll also get to see all the buildings and see whether or not you like the vibe of the university. They usually give out freebies too!


Don’t be afraid to leave if you don’t find it valuable

If you’re attending a workshop or lecture and it’s really drab, just leave (of course, only when it’s not impolite). Don’t waste your time sitting there for two hours when there are many more activities that will probably be much more interesting and worthwhile. (Or just go to the next university!)


Lastly, plan your transport

Yes, you need to get to the universities first. This is so easily forgotten. Don’t wait until you’re out the door to figure out how to get there! You’ll be wasting precious time just trying to figure out your direction.


Jack Zheng | N° 55