You are given so much time before each exam to prepare and study, but why do you still feel like you don’t have enough time? Research shows that procrastination is extremely common, with 75% of students considering themselves procrastinators. So here are 3 tips to help you study hard and get a good night’s sleep instead of cramming the night away.

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Eddie Yuan
FINISH EXAMS FASTER: How Do I Write Faster? Tips for Writing Quickly

You feel as though you’re whizzing through your exam, polishing off your introduction to that essay in record speed… yet why does it feel like all your classmates have already flipped a page, onto the next one? Writing slowly can be a disadvantage when it comes to timed exams, so here’s how to optimise your writing speed in any written test, no matter the subject.

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USYD OR UNSW? Which uni is better? How do I choose a uni? Should I go to the University of Sydney or University of New South Wales?

The age-old dilemma many Year 12 students face as graduation looms closer is whether the University of Sydney (USYD) or the University of New South Wales (UNSW) is a better choice for them. Both highly prestigious schools, it can be hard to distinguish between the two. Therefore, we’re here today to list several factors you may want to consider when applying for university and using your ATAR.

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