How to get out of holiday mode in less than 24 hours
School is starting in only a few days. It's draining. It's intense. You've got a full 40 weeks head of you, countless exams, team events and school sport.
But you're still staying up til 3am watching cat videos on youtube.
So here's the crash course, all you need to know plan for the last 24 hours before school starts.
Cute but not productive
Step 1: Get Prepped
The first thing you have to in your 24 hour race to be ready when school starts. It's time to go stationery shopping! Pens, folders, highlighters. How are you going to organise your notes? Do you need a different book for each subject?
Once you get home from office works, set up a workspace at home and pack your bag for the next day!
Step 2: Set your goals & plans
Think about the term ahead. Its likely your workload is going to increase, both in quantity and difficulty. Take a few minutes to think about how you are going to handle this. Whether it's a study group, dedicating some extra time to keep on top of your studies or signing up for an extra tutoring class.
It's also a great opportunity to think about what your goals are for the year. Do you want to get into extension English or four unit maths? Do you want to start things earlier? It's time to set thse goals now.
Step 3: Reach out to your Friends
Nothing will get you more excited for school than the knowledge that your friends will be there. Reach out to the guys who you haven't spoken to very much over the holidays and get keen for the playground reunion.
Step 4: Pack your Bag
Spend the afternoon getting ready for the next day. Make your lunch. Find your pencil case. Start off the year right.
Step 5: Get enough sleep
Turn off the computer. Get some sleep. Go to bed as soon as it's late enough to justify it. You won't want too, but it's honestly the best idea you've ever had.