5 Tips to Manage Study-related Stress

It’s completely normal to feel stressed around exam period, especially in years 11 and 12 with the added pressure of the HSC. Whilst moderate stress is helpful in boosting our motivation and improving our memory, overwhelming feelings of stress, anxiety and tension should not be taken lightly. Here’s our 5 top tips for managing your study stress to ensure a happier and healthier you!


 1.     Prepare a study plan for each day/week

 Most student’s stress revolves around how much content they need to learn and how much work they need to get done. Thinking “I don’t have enough time” or “I can’t do it” are common but unproductive thoughts. To conquer the seemingly overwhelming amounts of study you need to do, plan out what work you need to complete each day and by the end of the week. Although it may feel like a waste of time, planning out your day lets you break down you workload into smaller, more manageable chunks – reducing feelings of stress and anxiety.


2.     Do at least one activity that you find relaxing everyday

 Just because you’re studying for the HSC, it doesn’t mean that you have to put your life on hold! Everyday do at least one thing that makes you feel relaxed and happy, whether that be watching an episode of Riverdale, listening to music, or playing with your pets.


3.     Get active

 Exercise like sport, dance, walking and yoga are great at reducing tension from stress and school pressure. This is because physical activity produces endorphins, your brains very own feel-good neurotransmitters and also improves the ability to sleep, which in turn reduces stress. So take a break from studying and do some form of exercise every day.


4.     Avoid caffeine

 Caffeine is a stimulant and will increase your level of stress rather than reducing it. So ditch the Red Bull’s and endless cups of coffee and swap them with water, herbal teas and natural fruit juices.


5.     Step back and put everything in perspective

 At the end of the day, whilst the HSC is important, it’s not the be all and end all. Remember that your ATAR is not a measure your self-wroth, but an indication of how you went at one point in time. It does not determine your future success or happiness – there are always ways of reaching goals. Take it from someone who thought the HSC was the most important year of my life – 4 years on and I don’t even remember by ATAR.

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