A message to all Year 12 students

Dear Year 12,

You are almost there!

HSC has been particularly hard this year with the unexpected lockdown and the seemingly endless online classes. You've all worked very hard this year to keep up with heavy study loads and changing life styles. Great work for just keeping that up!

Life doesn't always go the way we want, being comfortable with uncertainties and adapt is a great skill to be learnt early in your lives. Don't be afraid of setbacks and challenges, take this Year 12 experience, unique to the 2021 cohort as a valuable life lesson to build resilience that will benefit the rest of your lives.

Remember the small things, follow a routine, break tasks down, focus on your goals, take breaks. Most importantly, have hope, we are all in this together to support each other till we get to the end of the tunnel. We believe you will all come out as bright, courages and resilient individuals.

All the best with your HSC and all that follows.

From all of us at Pinnacle

Eddie Yuan